How do user roles differ?

In Checly, three types of roles can be assigned to users:

  1. Organisation admin

This role is automatically assigned to a user who creates a new organisation. The Organisation admin has many permissions not available to other roles, including:

  • editing the name and the possibility of deleting the organisation;
  • adding, editing and deleting users;
  • adding, editing, deleting and assigning sites;
  • creating, editing and deleting inspection templates;
  • creating, editing, deleting and assigning inspections;
  • viewing, printing and sending reports;
  • performing user-assigned inspections;
  • management of the organisation’s statistics;
  • managing the policy of joining the organisation;
  • possibility to include Checly Score;
  • plan and payment management;
  • access to invoices.

There can only be one Organisation admin in an organisation, and transferring this role to another user is possible by contacting our Customer Centre at

  • Site admin

This role is assigned to users by the Organisation Administrator. The Site admin has multiple rights within the sites assigned to him/her:

  • adding, editing and deleting users;
  • creating, editing and deleting inspection templates;
  • creating, editing, deleting and assigning inspections;
  • viewing, printing and sending reports;
  • performing user-assigned inspections;
  • management of site statistics.

There can be multiple Site admins in an organisation.

  • Inspector

This role is assigned to any user who joins an existing organisation independently. The Inspector has basic rights:

  • carrying out the inspections assigned to it;
  • viewing, printing and sending reports;
  • managing your inspection statistics.

Check also

What are the limits of users in the organisation?

How do I delete a user?