How do I register for the app?

To register in Checly, you just need to go through a few simple steps.

Go to where you will find a registration form. Enter your basic details:

  • name,
  • surname,
  • e-mail address – this will be your login,
  • password – must consist of min. 8 characters, including one upper- and lower-case letter, a number and a special character.

You will then be asked to confirm your registration via an activation link sent to the e-mail address provided – so make sure you enter the correct email address and check your inbox. If the message has not reached you, look for it in your SPAM folder or use the link to resend the message (when logging into the application).

Once you have successfully registered, you can log in to the application using the login details you provided earlier. Remember security – do not share your password with anyone and change it regularly.

The final step in the registration process is to set up an organisation or join an existing one.

Registering for the app is quick and easy. If you encounter any problems or require additional assistance, please contact us at – we will be happy to provide further guidance and support.

Check also

How do I set up a new organisation?

How do I join an existing organisation?