App updates
May 2023

Integration with Stripe


Integrating our app with Stripe will provide us with access to the latest features, including fraud prevention tools, subscription management tools, and more. This integration will also allow us to provide our customers with a faster and more reliable checkout process.

With this integration, we can ensure that our customers have an enjoyable and secure experience when using our SaaS application.Dzięki tej integracji możemy zapewnić naszym klientom przyjemne i bezpieczne korzystanie z naszej aplikacji SaaS.Dzięki tej integracji możemy zapewnić naszym klientom przyjemne i bezpieczne korzystanie z naszej aplikacji SaaS.

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April 2023



Geolocation is a powerful tool that can be used to provide answers to inspection templates. Checly can now offer more precise data collection and analysis by using IP or GPS in mobile apps. With geolocation, admins can gain valuable insights into inspectors’ behaviour, as well as track their movements. Additionally, it can improve service by providing users with relevant answers based on their location.

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Pause and cancel buttons


The pause and cancel button in inspection mode is a great tool for any inspector. It allows them to pause the process at any time and save their progress so that they can come back to it later on.

This feature can be used to improve the efficiency of the inspection process, as it gives inspectors more control over their workflow. It also helps reduce errors, as inspectors can go back and review their work before approval.

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New types of answers


We have developed a new type of answer in our inspection templates. The new answer type allows users to choose from single-choice, text, number and comments options. With this new feature, our app is revolutionizing the way inspections are conducted by making it easier for users to capture data in a more efficient manner.

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March 2023

New my account


Our app is constantly evolving to better serve our users. We introduced a new architecture for my account section to improve the organization of all settings and make it easier for users to find what they need.

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Language tags


Language tags help libraries manage templates better by reducing clutter and making it easier to categorize them according to language. In addition, language tags can also be used to customize the library according to the Checly user’s preferences.

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April 2023

Signature as a new type of answer


The answer signature also allows for more accurate reporting, so that you can be sure that your results are accurate and reliable and accepted by your customers.

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