App updates
June 2024

Computer vision


In inspection mode, inspectors can simply capture a photo and let the computer vision system do the rest. It can quickly read and interpret any text within the image, saving time and reducing human error.

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May 2024

AI tool in template creator


Say goodbye to the tedious task of manual checklist creation because AI is here to save the day! Imagine a world where you can simply describe the type of inspection you need, and let our app do all the work for you. With just a few clicks, our AI-powered tool will create a perfect checklist tailored to your specific requirements.

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Statistics based on AI


With the power of AI, you can now gain quick and insightful summaries of your most important data, all at the click of a button. Imagine being able to understand crucial trends, patterns, and correlations within your data in a matter of seconds.

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April 2024

Voice interface


With voice interface technology, we can now make communication even more seamless and convenient. No more typing out comments or struggling with a keyboard – let’s record your voice and effortlessly make comments in inspection mode.

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March 2024

Fast incidents reporting


Fast reporting incidents has never been easier! With the use of QR codes, localizing and managing reported incidents is a breeze. By simply scanning a QR code via a mobile app or landing page, users can quickly report any incidents they come across.

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May 2023

Checly mobile app


Checly mobile app will revolutionise the way inspectors work. With its easy-to-use inspection mode and push notifications, inspectors will be able to perform their inspections more efficiently than ever before.

Checly will provide a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to inspect any kind of facility or equipment. It also offers a range of features, such as reminders to make inspections more accurate and efficient.

The app will also help inspectors stay organized by providing them with real-time updates on their progress and allowing them to keep track of their inspections with ease. With Checly mobile app, inspectors will no longer have to worry about missing important details or making mistakes during an inspection.

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